Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Exposed: The Ceremony Music

Still, to this day, I have a hard time remembering just what music I need to pick out for the ceremony. They use such fancy schmancy names that I can never remember what is what.

So, in this post, I will break down the ceremony music for y'all.

- The prelude is the music that plays before the ceremony begins. I think that this music is VERY important because it sets the tone for the guests.
- This music typically plays about 20 minutes before the ceremony begins
- Usually it is light and melodic music
- Popular Choices:
- Enya
- Bach
- Mozart
- Vivaldi

Music for the seating of the Mothers

- This begins at the end of the prelude
- This is where mothers (and often grandmothers) are escorted down the aisle
- Often the groom will escort the mothers
- Popular Choices:
- Ave Maria
- Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
- Cannon in D

Processional for the attendants
- This is the music that plays when your bridal party walks down the aisle
- Often, this will have a "regal" or a "peaceful" tone to it
- Regal:
- Trumpet Voluntary
- Trumpet Tune
- Peaceful:
- Cannon in D
- Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
- Air on a G String

Processional for the bride

- This is the music that plays when the bride makes her grand entrance
- The well known song that is played here is the standard "Here Comes the Bride" song
- Now, brides are really becoming creative when it comes to their grand entrance
- Some brides choose to walk down to a meaningful song to the couple
- My Choice:
- Cannon in D --> More on this later

Songs that you may need to choose for during the ceremony
- Music during the unity ceremony
- Music for after the vows
- Music for during communion (for Catholic weddings)

- This is what I like to call the "WOOHOO music"
- This is usually very upbeat music because YOU JUST GOT MARRIED AND ITS TIME TO CELEBRATE!!!
- Popular Choices:
- James Brown - I feel good

- This is the music that plays while the guests leave
- This is usually upbeat music that gets guests ready to party!! inspired this post

I hope this helps y'all out a bit!!

Take care until next time,

2 Wedding Bells:

Nicole-Lynn said...

Great info. I have to agree with you on your song choices! :)

LauraAnn said...

Ugh! I am working on creating that list right now and I am struggling with songs to use. Thanks for the examples! This will definitely help me!