If you like him then you better put a ring on him...
I just HAD to get that out of my system. Gotta love Beyonce.
So, we did it. MyMr and I found HIS ring!!! It will be in in a couple of weeks! I am so excited. It is definitely not what I thought we would get him, but it is perfect!!!
We went to Jared's [enter cheesy Jared's commercial here].
I really like the look of simple bands on guys but I hate it when the edges aren't SUPER rounded. Unfortunately ALL of the white gold bands were not rounded on the edges... EVEN the comfort fit!!!
Then, I spotted it... Perfect rounded edges, fantastic grey-ish color... [Source]
It was made out of Tungsten. I NEVER would have looked at Tungsten before, but it was just perfect. MyMr LOVED it too.
The picture above honestly does not do it justice. It is way more of a charcoal grey color. I will post pictures once I get it!!!
What kind of band did you get for your Mr?
Take care until next time,
3 Wedding Bells:
Great choice! We were going to go with palladium but since we were custom creating our wedding bands the jeweler didn't feel comfortable setting diamonds in palladium so we went with white gold.
perfect! I'm pretty sure that's what my fiance will end up getting.
Haha I love that song! That's a great wedding band!
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