Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Sorry I haven't updated. I have been super sick :( boooooo

I am feeling a little better now so that is good. P.S. I love you Nyquil

I go in for my post wedding chop in t-minus 5 hours!!! You have no idea how bad I need it. My hair is wayyyy too long!! I will definitely post pictures! I really wish I could give to locks of love. I can't though cuz my hair is bleached. :( I am going to double check with my stylist tonight :)

hope you all are enjoying 2010!!

Take care until next time,

3 Wedding Bells:

Born to be Mrs. Beever said...

I know that super sick feeling. We've been passing it around our family since before Christmas and still are not all 100% back to good health yet. Feel better soon!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Sorry to hear you've been sick and out of commission. Hope the hair appointment goes well!

LauraAnn said...

Glad that you are starting to feel better! Hope the hair appointment goes well and can't wait to see pictures of the post wedding chop do!